The Book of Hebrews
By Roger Hahn (Part 3)
Literary Form
Hebrews has
traditionally been described as an epistle or letter. It appears in the New
Testament in the middle of the collection of letters. It functions as a hinge
connecting the 13 Pauline letters and the 7 general or Catholic epistles.
However, Hebrews lacks the basic ingredients that identified ancient letters.
There is no mention of author, no mention of addressees, no greeting, no
thanksgiving section and no prayer for the readers in the opening lines. The
closing verses of Hebrews 13 do reflect the traditional way in which a letter
should close.
If Hebrews was
not a letter, what was it? Various kinds of spoken and written discourses have
been suggested. But the most common (and most likely) suggestion has been that
Hebrews follows the form of a sermon or homily developed for the Hellenistic
Jewish synagogues. The writer describes his work in Hebrews 13:22 as a "word of
exhortation." The exact same phrase was used in Acts 13:15 to describe Paul's
sermon to the synagogue at Antioch of Pisidia. Though some scholars argue that
we do not know the exact structure of Hellenistic Jewish sermons, the book of
Hebrews fits all the criteria that are commonly suggested. It is most likely,
then, that the original literary form of the book was a sermon or homily.
This is an
important conclusion. It means that the author of Hebrews believed that his
interpretation of the Scripture would produce a message that could be especially
helpful to those readers needing to persevere under the pressure of persecution.
It means that the book was not for the purpose of speculative theology, but was
a practical approach to a serious problem. People who were facing persecution,
perhaps death, for their faith needed encouragement and reinforcement of their
Modern Christian
readers differ from the first readers in a couple of ways. First, most modern
readers are not Jewish in background. This means that the constant references
and allusions to the Old Testament are not always understood. Second, most
modern Christianity are not facing the same kind of persecution as the first
readers of Hebrews faced. Though in some parts of the world the threat of death
because of one's Christian faith is very real, most Western Christians face
temptation and pressure to return to the secular world rather than to a previous
religious haven like Judaism. The sermon that is the book of Hebrews urged the
first readers to stay true to the Messiah and not return to Judaism. Part of the
power of the sermon is that it still speaks words of encouragement. The message
of Hebrews is still a call to persevere under pressure. That message is just as
pertinent today as it ever was.
The Role of the Old
It does not take
long before one discovers that the Old Testament plays an extremely significant
role in Hebrews. A major part of the technical analysis of Hebrews is now
devoted to the way in which the author made use of the Old Testament. Every
chapter of Hebrews makes either a direct quotation from the Old Testament or
refers to an Old Testament person or concept that the author assumes the reader
will immediately recognize.
Part of the
difficulty for modern Christians in understanding Hebrews is the lack of an
adequate Old Testament background to recognize the way it constantly shapes the
author's argument. Scholars are beginning to recognize that the very outline of
Hebrews is built around quotations from the Old Testament. Quotations from
Psalms 8, 95, 110, Jeremiah 31, Habakkuk 2, and Proverbs 3 form the anchor
points for the major sections of the book of Hebrews.
The author used a
variety of techniques for interpreting the Old Testament passages that were so
influential in his book. Several Jewish techniques of exegesis appear on the
pages of Hebrews. This is part of the evidence that the author is a highly
trained scholar. Like most New Testament writers, however, the author will
frequently "see" Yahshua in an Old Testament passage. When that happens the
author immediately interprets the passage in light of the purpose of Yahweh to
reveal the Messiah. It is an important model for us to be aware of when we
attempt to interpret the Old Testament.
The Message Of
The message of
Hebrews can be summed up in three words, "the Messiah is better." The
book seems to un-fold the message in a crescendo of arguments. The Messiah is
better than the angels who revealed the first covenant (Hebrews 1:1-2:18). The
Messiah is better than Moses who was the mediator of the first covenant (Hebrews
The Messiah
was better than Joshua (Hebrews 4:1-13).
But the heart of
the argument comes in Hebrews 4:14-10:18. There the language of the priesthood,
altar, and sacrifice comes to the forefront. The Messiah is a better priest that
the Aaronic priests of Judaism. The Messiah offers a better sacrifice. He is a
better tabernacle. He is a better altar. His priestly work is superior to that
of the Old Testament. One is left with the conclusion that a decision to abandon
faith in the Messiah and to return to Judaism would be the worst mistake a
person could make. This was obviously the conclusion the author of Hebrews hoped
his readers would draw.
Exhortation is
another common element in the message of Hebrews. Exhortations not to slip or
not to neglect the superiority of the Messiah appear regularly in the opening
nine chapters. However, it is in the final four chapters that exhortation
becomes the dominant motif. The great faith chapter in Hebrews 11 lists numerous
examples of Jewish heroes who had looked forward to their Messiah. The author
reacts in horror to the idea that their descendants would turn their backs on
the long-hoped-for Messiah to return to the security the heroes had hoped to
Another theme
that moves through the book of Hebrews is the concept of a pilgrim people.
Recent scholars have emphasized the fact that Hebrews understands both the Old
Testament community of Israel and the new community of the church as people on
the journey of faith. The model of Israel in the Old Testament is foundational.
Israel was on a two-fold journey. The first and most obvious journey was the
journey out of Egypt and into the promised land. The climax of that journey was
the conquest of the land under Joshua. However, there was a second pilgrimage
for Israel and that was the journey through history toward the coming of the
The pilgrimage
motif offers the author of Hebrews several exciting possibilities for spiritual
instruction. He is able to challenge them to understand their own spiritual
experiences in terms of a journey. This provides a way of explaining the
persecution. There are always difficult times as well as the easier times on a
journey. The persecution that they were experiencing represented the difficult
portions of a pilgrimage. Even if the pressure the readers were feeling was
guilt rather than persecution (as Barnabas Lindars argues), the pilgrimage motif
However, in a
true pilgrimage (as opposed to just a trip) the goal is the most important
thing. Here, the author is able to play the second pilgrimage, the journey
through history toward the coming of the Messiah, against the present
experiences of his readers. Just as old Israel continued on through thick and
thin hoping for the Messiah, the readers of Hebrews must press on, persevering
under pressure because the Messiah has already come. The final perfection
of heaven must become their goal. They have many more resources for their
journey than old Israel had.
It is the coming
together of these three themes that gives the book of Hebrews its great strength
and ability to be used throughout the history of the church. The modern world in
which we live is very capable of understanding life as a journey. We understand
a little bit of the sweep of history and the idea of progress always influences
the way we think. We are aware that those who have gone before us overcame
tremendous obstacles.
But the obstacles we face intimidate us. We are overwhelmed by uncertainty. The journey was easy enough long enough that we don't know how to handle the pressures and choices that lie in front of us on the journey. Our generation especially needs to hear the basic message of Hebrews again. We need a word of exhortation, a word of encouragement, even a word of prodding that tells us to keep on the journey. We need constant reminders of the superiority of the Messiah. Few of us are tempted to turn back to Old Testament style Judaism. We are tempted to combine the Messiah with a system of psychology or a theory of economics. We are tempted to believe that faith is easy when life is easy and faith is hard when life is hard. We need to be reminded that life is a journey toward the final goal of heavenly and perfect relationship with Yahweh in the Messiah. We need to be reminded that no price is too expensive to pay; no effort is too much to give in order to gain the final goal. ~